التسليم السريع في اليوم التالي

Are you drinking your coffee at the right time?

Coffee is one of the most popular beverages enjoyed around the world, loved not only for its rich flavor and energizing boost but also its potential health benefits in moderate consumption as shown through many recent studies. These benefits may include improved brain function, a lower risk to certain diseases, and even increased longevity. Emerging research suggests that the time of day you choose to drink coffee might actually be crucial to utilizing its benefits.  

A recent study published in the  European Heart Journal  this month highlights that the timing of coffee intake can influence its impact on energy levels, metabolism, and overall health, shedding new light on how to make the most of your daily cup. Led by Dr. Lu Qi from Tulane University, researchers examined the relationship between the timing of coffee consumption and health outcomes, particularly cardiovascular health and mortality rates. They analyzed data from over 40,000 adults and found that:

Morning Coffee drinkers: those who consumed coffee exclusively in the morning had a 16% lower risk of all-cause mortality and a 31% lower risk of cardiovascular mortality compared to non-coffee drinkers.

All-Day Coffee drinkers: In contrast, people who drank coffee throughout the day did not experience these benefits and had a similar risk to non-coffee drinkers

Possible Explanations

Consuming coffee later in the day may disrupt circadian rhythms and alter hormone levels, such as melatonin, which can negatively impact cardiovascular health. Disruptions in sleep patterns and increased blood pressure are potential consequences of late-day caffeine intake.


 For optimal health benefits, particularly concerning heart health and longevity, limiting coffee intake to the morning hours may be a better option.  This habit aligns with the body's natural rhythms and may enhance the positive effects associated with coffee consumption.

While moderate coffee consumption has been associated with various health benefits, timing of intake may play a crucial role. Morning coffee drinkers may reap more significant health rewards, including reduced risks of cardiovascular diseases and increased longevity. Individuals should consider their personal health profiles and not exceed moderate intake.


Xuan Wang, Hao Ma, Qi Sun, Jun Li, Yoriko Heianza, Rob M Van Dam, Frank B Hu, Eric Rimm, JoAnn E Manson, Lu Qi, Coffee drinking timing and mortality in US adults, European Heart Journal, 2025;, ehae871, https://doi.org/10.1093/eurheartj/ehae871

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