التسليم السريع في اليوم التالي


ما هو العناية بالفم للأطفال ؟

Teething is a natural developmental stage in babies when their first teeth begin to emerge through the gums. It typically starts around 6 months of age, but the timing can vary from child to child. This process can cause discomfort, leading to symptoms such as increased drooling, gum swelling, irritability, and a tendency to chew on objects. Some babies may also experience disrupted sleep or changes in appetite. While teething is a normal part of growth, providing gentle relief and ensuring comfort can help babies cope with this milestone more easily.

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حول العناية بالفم للأطفال


إن الفهم الصحيح لأسباب مشاكل الفم لدى الأطفال هو مفتاح العناية الفعالة بالفم. تشمل الأسباب الشائعة لمشاكل الفم عند الأطفال ما يلي:
سوء نظافة الأسنان: يمكن أن يؤدي عدم تنظيف الأسنان بالفرشاة والخيط بشكل كافي إلى تراكم البلاك والبكتيريا، مما يؤدي إلى تسوس الأسنان وأمراض اللثة.
العادات الغذائية: استهلاك الوجبات الخفيفة والمشروبات السكرية يمكن أن يساهم في تسوس الأسنان.
التسنين: يمكن أن يسبب ظهور الأسنان اللبنية (أسنان الحليب) الانزعاج والتهيج عند الأطفال.
الإصابة: يمكن أن تؤدي الحوادث أو السقوط إلى صدمة الأسنان، بما في ذلك الأسنان المكسورة أو المكسورة.
الوراثة: قد يكون بعض الأطفال معرضين لبعض الحالات الفموية بسبب تاريخهم العائلي.
العادات الفموية: يمكن أن يؤثر مص الإبهام أو استخدام اللهاية لفترة طويلة على نمو الأسنان والفكين.


Teething-related issues are diagnosed based on the symptoms observed during this period. Common signs include increased drooling, gum swelling, a tendency to chew on objects, irritability, disrupted sleep, and reduced appetite. Mild fever and a slight change in stool consistency are sometimes reported but should not be severe. Persistent or unusual symptoms should be evaluated by a healthcare professional to rule out other causes.


Although teething cannot be prevented, its associated symptoms can be managed to provide relief. Gently massaging the gums with a clean finger, offering a chilled (not frozen) teething ring, or using teething gels recommended by a healthcare professional can soothe discomfort. Over-the-counter infant pain relief, such as paracetamol or ibuprofen, may be used for more severe symptoms, but only under the guidance of a doctor or pharmacist.


While teething itself cannot (and should not!) be prevented, ensuring a baby is comfortable and supported during this stage can make a significant difference.

Providing safe objects for chewing, such as teething toys, can help alleviate gum pressure. Maintaining good hygiene by wiping excess drool from the baby’s face reduces the risk of skin irritation.

Establishing a calming bedtime routine can also help ease irritability and disrupted sleep patterns.

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أسئلة وأجوبة

When does teething typically start?

Teething usually begins around 6 months of age, but it can start as early as 3 months or as late as 12 months. The timing varies for each baby, and the first teeth to appear are typically the lower front teeth (central incisors).

What are the common signs of teething?

Signs of teething include increased drooling, gum swelling or tenderness, irritability, a tendency to chew on objects, and disrupted sleep patterns. Some babies may also experience a mild fever or a slight change in appetite.

Does teething cause any other issues?

Teething may cause some sleeping issues and a slight increase in temperature, but should not cause a high fever or diarrhoea. If your baby has a high fever, persistent diarrhoea, or other concerning symptoms, consult a doctor as these may indicate another issue.
Sleeping issues due to teething can be soothed with teething toys and gum massages before bed.

Should I worry if my baby hasn’t started teething yet?

Teething timelines vary, and it’s normal for some babies to start later, even around 12 months. If your baby hasn’t shown any signs of teething by 18 months, consult your pediatrician to ensure there are no underlying issues.

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